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February 29th 2024: Celebrating the 10th Helpathon!

Accelerating animal-free innovation

Innovative animal-free biomedical research methods are developing rapidly. Existing research mindsets and practices (facilities, grants, regulation and publications) are slowly moving along to include these innovations. Helpathons can help accelerate this in the most pleasant way. These venues are especially valuable in complex fields and locked in situations.

We want to accelerate animal-free innovation and to become less and less dependent on the use of animal models. We want to develop and apply research methods that are more relevant for human health and safety.

Organizing Coincidence

We help to create coincidence by organizing HELPATHONS. A Helpathon is a 24 hour online and real live transformative venue organized around a particular human health research question.

A brief history of the Helpathon!

A Helpathon is an action-oriented rapid prototyping method derived from hackathons. The first Helpathon was organised to fight social inequality in the city of Groningen in 2014. Since then Mister Lion, an Amsterdam based lab for societal change, developed its own Helpathon practice. In 2017 it introduced it to the Dutch program for animal free innovation. Together with the TPI Helpathon team and the members of the biomedical innovation we organized a successful series of Helpathons to help researchers make the shift towards animal free innovation.

Please find below a video giving an impression of Helpathon#6.

We are now professionalizing our TPI Helpathon practice

Our ambition is to hold a space - The Helpathon Hotel - where Helpathons can be held continuously with Helpathon plugins for conferences, databases, experts, trainers, funders, merchandising, committee, calamity team, and many more ideas… Do you want to become a partner of this Helpathon Hotel? Do you see opportunities for funding? Or do you want to call for a Helpathon? Just let us know,

The Helpathon Hotel Team

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